City Council

Greetings from Mayor Darren Schenk and the Village Board. We hope you enjoy our website and return to visit it often. We welcome any and all comments concerning the Village or our site. Thanks for taking the time to check us out!

Council Members

Chairman: Dale Blank
Vice Chairman: Beau Johnson
Members: Darren Schenk, Jeff Jezbera & Nichole Dunker

Village Clerk: Dana Bebensee
Librarian: Vicki Casper
Utility Superintendent and Chief of Police: Dale Casper
Sanitation Collections: Reed Disposal

City Meetings

All city meetings are held in the Municipal Building at:

248 Commercial Avenue.

The monthly meeting is held on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 PM.

The agenda is posted before each meeting at three locations around town.


City Office Hours: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM



Each political subdivision shall publicly disclose the following on its website: (a) Membership dues paid annually to any association or organization, identifying each such association or organization and the dues amounts paid; and (b) Fees paid to any individual lobbyist or lobbying firm other than any fees paid for lobbying services that may be included in the membership dues described in subdivision (2)(a) of this section.


  1. League of NE Municipalities Dues     $874.00
  2. Utilities Section of the League of NE Municipalities Dues     $400.0
  3. NE Rural Water Association Dues    $250.00
  4. Mid-Rivers Baseball League Dues     $100.00